After this go to Modding section and load file 666 Girls BackUp Char List.sdt from Char List BackUp option. After the start Loader wait until 333 mods load moreclothing. version release notes: penisrangeV5 added strap-on penis color saving to penisrange - 666 GIRLS FOR MOD LOADER Finally I finished my masterpiece as a collection of 666 girls for Mod Loader. It does not replace the vanilla game or ModGuy's Loader!ANIMTOOLS | UNDERTOW This mod extends the lower and upper ranges that the penisrange slider permits. SDTL 2 is a replacement of the Flash projector. It's built on top of Electron (a custom version of Chromium) which opens up a ton of new possibilities. It's a desktop application that you run the game with instead of the Flash projector or a browser. SDTL 2 | UNDERTOWSDTL 2 is an open source launcher for SDT.
Made at request by Goes well with the tail mod for the same character which was requested by the same user. SDT | UNDERTOWThe hairstyle of Senko-San from Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san.